I dinged 64 the other day, and around that time I noticed that my guild's officers and leader had all not logged in for about a month, with one exception. Which sort of explained why I was usually the only member of my guild online, I suppose.
In my adventures through Outland's messed up marsh and peninsula, I met up with a rogue and a warrior (an orc like myself, but specced Fury - I, at the time, had been specced Arms for AV spam, though I've specced back to Fury since). We did some quests in Hellfire together, and helped each other out in Zangarmarsh and, more recently, Terokkar. I like to think we're good friends, and we certainly have a lot of fun together. (Yesterday, the warrior and I raided Honor Hold and took down the Fel Reaver with the help of about five allies, who promptly turned their weapons on us afterwards. It was glorious. They share a guild, name of
So the other day I figured what the heck, no one ever talks in my guild chat, no one's going to miss me as no one plays, and these guys are pretty cool. So I left my old guild (I didn't have permissions to kick my paladin alt, so I just left her there out of laziness) and joined up with them.
As this is clearly a very manly guild (we are gods, after all, and furious ones at that), I will be making a celebratory video within a few days. I just need to get fraps and/or gamecam or something like that, and try to find a better video editor than windows movie maker.
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