Wednesday, June 4, 2008

First post?

So I guess I actually got around to making this blog. And what does one put in a first post?

Well, I guess I could start out with a bit about me. My usual online handle is Armond. I'll respond to that whenever. I don't have an Armond in-game, though; I generally use that name for a warrior-type character, and it was taken on the realm I made my first warrior. I've saved it on another server, but I've not gotten around to doing anything on him yet.

I started playing about two months ago in mid-April. Even so, through various research and a not inconsiderable amount of experience, I think I've learned enough about the game to be relatively good at theorycrafting, which I love and do way too much of. Seriously. I always keep a window open with over a dozen builds in various tabs and constantly refer to it.

My main character at this point is an orc warrior named Melgarr. He's a Hyjal native, fury-specced (for now). He's rounding the bend for level 56; I expect to hit that level by the end of the day. I mine a lot on him (and by a lot, I mean a lot), and I've been told it's done me good financially, but I don't really have anything to compare him to. All I know is I had little trouble getting my first mount, but I'm not liking the way things are going, cash-wise, for my Frostwolf Howler; I bought the first tab for my new guild's bank, and I've thrown some cash around to my alts/lower-level friends (not to mention about 70g dumped into what turned out to be 30 levels in jewelcrafting), but I'm currently sitting at about 200g, which is around 150g less than I'm used to and 200-250g less than I'd like.

My playstyle consists of dealing as much melee dps as I possibly can. I come from Guild Wars, where tanking's a bad idea, so I'm not used to tanking and will probably be pretty horrible at it without practice. There's also huge amounts of +physical damage in Guild Wars (like, a weapon is bad if it doesn't provide +20% melee damage unconditionally, an additional [additive] +15% melee damage while above 50% health, and have a 20% chance to ignore 20% of your opponent's armor), which is probably where my fondness for melee dps came from.

As for the blog name, well... Melgarr also has a pet silver tabby, and one of my friends found it amusing that a big, strong, fury-specced warrior would have such a cute and fluffy little kitty. Can't say as I blame him.

I have a couple other characters I work on on the side, but I think it's important to hit 70 on Mel so I can work on getting some actual cash for equipment. While I plan to gear up with PvP things once I hit 70 (and am doing a moderate amount of PvP between now and then), I know that there will be better equipment for melee DPS once it comes time for heroics and whatnot.

I think that's probably about enough for one post... Bit lengthy, and I'm still not sure all the code is going to check out. But hey, it's probably enough for the few people that know about it right now.

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