Thursday, June 12, 2008


So I'm clearing out some nasties in the Western Plaguelands (The Weeping Cave, to be specific) for experience and perhaps some Thorium, and I come across a recipe that Auctioneer reports has been seen sold for 150g or so, and recommends I sell mine for 130g or so. Seems reasonable, assuming, of course, I've scanned recently (have I...?) and this isn't similar to the times I've seen gray daggers up for thousands of gold each just to mess with my addOns.

Well, whatever. If it's valuable, I'll know for sure when I scan, and that's a good chunk towards my riding training. If not, I'll throw it to my Druid for when/if he gets that high an Alchemy level.

I'm thinking this, and as I stab another baddie (decaying something or other, all I know is it looks like a Forsaken tree - is this why they can't roll Druid?), I pick up another of the things.

So assuming my Auctioneer's not been tricked, I'm pretty happy. But still... Seems kinda good to be true. Almost like getting two Crusader recipe drops in a row, but not quite as good.

I guess I could throw them on the AH and see if they sell, but I'm wondering if anyone can confirm or deny my thoughts either way?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Before I saw the link I thought that maybe you had Recipe: Gift of Arthas drop. Those are proliffic!

I'm surprised that the recipe goes for so much. In the expansion there is Recipe: Major Nature Protection Potion and Cauldron of Major Nature Protection, both of which offer more Nature Resistance. Mind you, one's a rep grind and the other a discovery, but it still seems odd.

Maybe the price is that high for people who feel driven to collect all of the craft's recipes? I feel a similar drive for blacksmithing. Very interesting!